Welcome! If this is what you're looking for you've come to the right place:

Generate revenue around your individual lifestyle instead of having to put your life on hold working endless hours at a workplace.

The ability to live anywhere you like while earning a good income.

None of the heavy overheads that come with a traditional business.

Skills you'll be able to use for any number of income generating projects.

More freedom to do your own thing.

The Six Figure Mentors (SFM)

have empowered thousands of people from every walk of life to achieve exactly this - we're going to show you a clear, step-by-step path to cut through the noise and fluff so you can reach your individual goals without the typical barriers.

Before we go any further, let's look at who YOU are to clarify the issues that need answers:

(Use your computer cursor to explore these audience blocks)

On top of these all too common concerns, the era of Artificial Intelligence is fast approaching - countless jobs will be replaced by machines who never get tired and don't need time off for dentist appointments or holidays. A modern dilemma.

So what's the solution?
Become An Entrepreneur? Realistic or Not?

There's been a lot of hype around the entrepreneur concept these past few years - come up with a great idea, start your own business and Hey Presto you're living the dream, set for life. More people have taken this plunge than ever before, and kudos to them, yet the unfortunate fact is that around 80% of startups fail in the first 5 years.

On the other hand, there's a growing number of people that are successfully making a great sustainable living using nothing more than a laptop and an Internet connection. What's their secret?

The digital world we now live in is a complete game changer which has revolutionized both the economy and how we do things. Unlike any other time in history, we have tremendous opportunity to create a lifestyle of our own design. But how to get started?


The fact is that being a truly successful entrepreneur takes time and the talent that comes with experience. If it were easy, everyone would be the new Richard Branson! The actual reality is that normal people jump around online as opportunity seekers, researching and trying out various programs that promise the world but really for the most part only deliver confusion, overwhelm, wasted money and lost confidence.

And if you look at traditional business education it's even worse:

An undergraduate BA degree will take 4 years of your time and upwards of $100,000 - without even looking at living costs and books.

Then if you go for a MBA, that's another 2 years and at least $200,000. Plus, while all of this is going on, you're not earning any money so you end up with a mountain of debt which will take years to pay off.

There MUST be a better way, and we're here to tell you there most certainly is! A growing number of people have proved it by earning healthy income with no formal education or previous business experience. Using the streamlined business model we're going to show you, people from any walk of life are able to generate money almost from the get-go while they build knowledge and experience on their journey towards true entrepreneurship.

Showing & Guiding Instead of Dry Theory:
Get Clear Know-How that Delivers Real Results

Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek launched Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and Digital Experts Academy (DEA) to clear away the confusion and hype they faced when they were getting started. Having proven themselves by creating several multi million dollar digital businesses from scratch, their goal and driving passion now is empowering individuals the world over with the confidence that comes from having the right know-how and strategic skills to monetize almost anything online.

A lifestyle of your own design is NOT a pipedream or something just for the lucky few. But the barrier for most is:

A lack of practical, step-by-step training that you can absorb in your own time and that even those who are "not good with computers" can easily follow;

A lack of hands-on mentorship and support, something we all need to overcome new challenges successfully.

THE Solution - Online Monetization Education, a Business Startup Powerpack and Mentorship - All In One Place

At SFM we like to do things a little different from the status quo, so we'd like to let you dive straight into our proven business system and try things on for size without paying a single cent/penny.

That's right - we'd like to give you access to a Free Account so you can see for yourself why your search is over when it comes to the Blueprint that empowers you to create a lifestyle of your own making. After all, no matter what we or others say, only YOU can decide where your trust is best placed, and you can't do that if you don't have the full picture.


1. Access to our exclusive Members-only site, which includes our step-by-step Online Business Success Module. Here you will learn our proven steps to making an income online. This could be for the sale of your very own product or as an affiliate for someone else's.

2. Our 7-Part 'Digital Life' video training series explaining how to build a successful lifestyle business from scratch. In this exclusive series you'll learn exactly how to set yourself up with a business that is designed from the very start to provide you with utter lifestyle freedom.

3. Exclusive invitation to join our founders on their live monthly Visionary Call where they'll give you the inside scoop on upcoming plans for SFM and how they'll benefit your business progress. PLUS you'll also be invited to attend our live Master Marketing Mastermind sessions where you'll get invaluable insights and tactics for growing your business fast.

4. Your very own SFM Business System consultant, on hand to support you every step of the way. We know that anything new can easily seem daunting, so we've removed this stress factor by providing you with one-on-one support to ensure you can easily implement the steps you learn with us.

Special Offer: Over 23,101 Bundles bought and counting - claim yours FREE today!

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Extraordinary Possibility Made Realistically within Reach - Ready to Take to the Open Road?

Why SFM Puts You Firmly on Track for Lifestyle Freedom - Empowerment Unleashed

Whether you're retired, a student, a full time employee or a stay at home parent, say goodbye to the typical hassles that come with traditional revenue generation when we show you how to harness the booming digital economy with our effectively simplified business system:

No heavy overheads

Such as a physical storefront, employees or product creation. The game changing business model we're going to show you lets anyone start making money online almost from the get-go. Gone are the days where you have to invest a fortune to become a business owner!

Work When You Want

Choose your own hours and work from anywhere with nothing but a laptop and an Internet connection. Also work around your existing job/responsibilities at your own pace.

Learn How To Drive Traffic

We teach you how to reach the world and turn online 'traffic' into loyal customers by providing people with genuinely useful value. SFM is all about integrity - you'll find none of the shady 'fast buck' tactics that give the industry a bad name.

Once you access your free account, if you decide to become a full time member of SFM you'll have access to an impressive amount of ongoing value:

Our state-of-the-art business system complete with Digital Toolbox. We've spent millions on developing this platform and never stop enhancing it to keep you up to speed with the latest changes and tactics in the digital world. You'll find much of the typical heavy lifting done-for-you, from websites and sales pages to auto payment.

From your personal Dashboard you can reach out to our experienced Support Team for a live chat if tech gremlins cause you any frustration.

To date we have the most comprehensive online business startup training resources to be found anywhere. You'll be able to harness the full force of our step-by-step Get Started curriculum, a wealth of weekly live training webinars and an ever growing library of recorded trainings to get targeted education that suits your needs.

In addition to your personal mentor, we host a number of live webinars run by our founders and Opportunity Creation Coaches. We don't stop at teaching you how to make money online, we show you the personal mindsets and strategy secrets that very successful entrepreneurs use daily to optimize their entire life. This type of education will help you turn challenges into opportunities and keep your motivational fires burning bright.

Join the refreshingly friendly SFM Community platform online - people from all over the globe who are happy to lend a hand or share how they overcame challenges. Here you'll find a culture of individuals giving each other a leg up instead of the mercenary attitude you typically find in the competitive business world. You'll also be invited to our exclusive motivational events held around the world each year, where you'll be sure to meet like-minded people and take your momentum to new heights.

Extraordinary possibility made realistically within reach - Ready to tap into the booming digital economy without the confusion?

Yes! Create My Free Account

Six Figure Mentors and Digital Experts Academy - We've Got You Covered Through Your Entire Entrepreneurial Evolution

As explained, Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek launched Six Figure Mentors (SFM) and Digital Experts Academy (DEA) to clear away the confusion and hype they faced when they were getting started. With this vision, our organization spans a number of levels designed to give you everything you need throughout your entire journey in one place, from Beginner to Advanced online business owner:

SFM is The Place to Be for people new to the world of making money online and looking to get up and running with revenue generation at their own pace and in the shortest time possible.

DEA is designed for those who want to progress to higher levels of online business know-how, right to the pinnacle of entrepreneurship mastery where you'll be capable of monetizing almost anything you can think of.

Whatever your goal, we have you covered with the world-class digital education and tools that empower you to make it happen without the typical hassle.

The following overview is just a taster of the full force that our organization offers. The ultimate vision of our founders is to give you the 'Uber' of Education - getting you wherever you want to go in the most streamlined and cost effective way possible:

Starting from Scratch, Get the Right Foundation and Know-How to Effectively Generate Revenue Online In the Shortest Time Realistically Possible:

Extraordinary Online Business Startup Bundle - Free Account
See for yourself why your search is over when it comes to cutting through the confusion to begin generating money wherever and whenever you choose.

SFM Essential - Maximize Momentum with Ongoing Membership
Harness all the value-packed tools and education we've described above, complete with the full step-by-step Get Started curriculum, personal mentor, Digital Toolbox, live weekly trainings, a growing library of targeted video education, the cutting-edge virtual courses and our friendly global Community.

SFM ELITE(+) - Income Boosting Membership
Boost the game changing business model we teach you at SFM. You'll get all of the value of SFM Essential that lets you begin generating money online using nothing more than a computer and an Internet connection, but with the added benefit of more advanced training and bigger revenue opportunities.

Continue to Harness All the SFM Tools and Education, But Go Next Level with Advanced Training as an Independent Entrepreneur:

DEA SILVER - Smoothly Transition to Full Time Self Employment
At this level you'll continue to get all the value you'll be used to from SFM, but this is where your journey as a true entrepreneur that can monetize almost anything online fully begins. You'll benefit from advanced trainings through our virtual courses and higher revenue opportunities.

DEA GOLD - Turbo-Charge Your Ability to Be Securely Self Employed
Take A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes - Click For Video!

This is where you'll want to be if you're serious about generating a full time, sustainable income from anywhere in the world. The turbo fuel we speak of is regular access to 1-2-1 mentoring sessions with top experts, an additional live 6-Part Webinar course that really takes you into the nuts and bolts of online revenue generation, and an invite to the annual event exclusively for DEA GOLD members where you'll learn insider tips and tactics from the digital industry's leading experts. You'll also benefit from even higher revenue opportunities.

DEA PLATINUM - Become Your Own Brand that the World Wants to Know About
Take A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes - Click For Video!

At this level we'll take you step-by-step through the process of becoming a fully fledged entrepreneur with a world-class brand which lets you effectively monetize the interests you're truly passionate about. Our cutting-edge Brand Incubator Platform will see you guided every step of the way in creating a highly impressive online presence, from professional photos to a website created by world-class professionals. We're extremely excited to be able to offer this to our PLATINUM members since the equivalent typically costs at least $30,000 to $50,000 on the open market. You'll also attend an intensive workshop with our top experts where we'll help you uncover the unique value you can bring to the world. Plus, you'll enjoy even higher revenue opportunities.

DEA BLACK - Super Star League for Passionate Entrepreneurs
Take A Sneak Peek Behind the Scenes - Click For Video!

This is where entrepreneur movers and shakers come together! Meet and join forces with high performing go-getters to leverage their strengths and springboard your success. Enjoy mentoring sessions with our top coaches, live Mastermind Hangout webinars and an invite to a breathtaking location exclusive to DEA BLACK members where you'll be hanging out with founders Jay and Stuart as well as other leading entrepreneurs in the digital space - ask anyone who's been, these Retreats are life changing! You'll also benefit from some of the highest revenue opportunities in the industry.

Meet Our Founders Stu & Jay

Stuart Ross aka The Freedom Entrepreneur

They call Stu the Freedom Entrepreneur because he refused to accept the constraints of traditional employment. After much trial and tribulation when he got started in the digital world, he found and streamlined an online business system that he now shares with people all over the world to help them achieve the lifestyle freedom he's passionate about.

To date Stuart has helped thousands of people transform their lives and collectively generate millions in revenue - as a digital expert, mentor, sought-after motivational speaker for entrepreneurs and now the co-founder of SFM and DEA, he continues to raise the bar when it comes to showing people from every walk of life how to create a lifestyle of their own design.

Jay Kubassek aka #aWAKEUPcall

From his early beginnings on a farming co-operative where even TV was a novelty, Jay gives new meaning to starting from scratch and becoming an inspiring success story. Having perfected the digital business system that changed his life, Jay is on fire about sharing this with the world.

Jay's passion is creating major impact in people's lives, through both digital business know-how and explaining the secrets that top performers use every day to boost their progress to stellar levels. In addition to being co-founder of SFM and DEA, Jay's #aWAKEUPcall platform is dedicated to giving people the confidence to reach for their dreams.


Meet Our All-Star Support Team
- With You Every Step Of The Way -

Hi there! We take hands-on help and support to heart, because we understand how frustrating it can be when digital gremlins stand in the way of your progress, especially for those who find the tech side challenging. In your personal Dashboard, we're at your fingertips with Live Chat support so you're never left scratching your head. You'll soon see why we get a 100% Care Rating and why our members consider us as friends. Looking forward to helping to make your entrepreneurial journey smooth sailing - we're dedicated to your success!

- Carol Kubassek
Customer Happiness Team Lead

Extraordinary Possibility Made Realistically Within Reach - Start Tapping Into the Booming Digital Economy without the Confusion

Dive in with Full Peace of Mind - the Extraordinary Online Business Startup Bundle Gives You A FREE Account So You Can See for Yourself Just What 'Empowerment Unleashed' Means!

Live Your Dream

Learn how to achieve your 'Digital Lifestyle' - living the dream of working whenever and from wherever you like.


Discover how to create and optimize an online business that delivers maximum freedom and flexibility while generating revenue 24-7-365.

Clear Know-How

Step-by-step training and invaluable insights into the most effective online business model, letting you get setup and earning profit with just a laptop and an Internet connection (even if you're brand new to online business).

See for yourself why SFM is The Place to Be for people looking to tap into the booming digital economy with a simplified online business: step-by-step training, Digital Toolbox, personal mentor, supportive community and more - all designed to give you dramatic growth, independence and freedom. Extraordinary possibility made realistically within reach!

Your Time to Shine Starts Here - Ready to Step Towards Lifestyle Freedom?

Yes! Create My Free Account Now

Click the Signup Button Below to Join SFM and Experience Exactly How We've Paved the Way to Make Extraordinary Possibility With Realistic Reach

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Included in Your Bundle:

Instant access to the exclusive Members-Only Site, including our LIVE weekly Webinar trainings with SFM's top digital marketing experts.

Our 7-Day Video Training Series introduces you to the Digital Lifestyle and explains how to build a profitable online business (plus some surprise bonuses)... Delivered directly to your Inbox over the next week.

Your very own dedicated SFM Business Consultant, on hand to support you every step of the way.


Register Now To Get Instant Access

Signup Here

Watch Our Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know what makes SFM stand out from the crowd, whether our program is compatible with your lifestyle or what being an affiliate is all about? Watch the following short video clips from one of our founders - Stuart Ross - to get answers to these important questions, and more.

What Our Students Say

*[Straight-Talk Alert]: While these testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of people who have used our products and/or services, they represent individual achievements, not guaranteed results. The effort you put in is what will make or break your particular success levels.


"One of the best things about the Six Figure Mentors is that you don't have to have your own website, product, or business to get started. All the training is provided to you from day one!"

Bill S | Detroit MI, USA

"After a while I realized there was no quick fix and despondency set in. Then I discovered SFM and the path started to become clear. There was passion, there was relevant learning, there was a community, and most of all there were Stuart and Jay who proved there is a better way."

Ian L | London, UK

"Unbelievable amount of training, coaches, and mentors available - I checked out some of the courses that SFM offers at my local university, each course was being run at $1200 AU at my local university. I see major value right now."

Troy D | Sydney, Australia

"I'm 31 and I'm a Commercial Real Estate Agent in Singapore. After telling myself that Internet marketing is totally crap for the past 10 years, I decided to give 10 minutes of my time to look at Stuart's videos and voila!!!! It took me 1 day to follow the step-by-step videos and I am up and running. Hope you can spare 10 minutes of your time if you truly want to change to a better life."

Geoff G | Singapore

"If building your own business is new to you, you know how difficult the transition from 'employee' to 'entrepreneur' can be! After 25 years in the corporate sector, it was all completely new to me and it wasn't as easy a switch as I'd thought. SFM is extremely helpful in quickly guiding you through that transition and getting you to think (and act) like an entrepreneur."

Kelly D | CA, USA

"WOW! The good news is that the SFM membership gives me access to a beautiful community where I'm never alone. There is always something going on and people asking me how I'm doing and if I need any assistance. The bad news is... No, wait! There is none!!!"

Mattias G | Sweden

Click the Signup Button Below to Join SFM and Experience Exactly How We've Paved the Way to Make Extraordinary Possibility With Realistic Reach

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Included in Your Bundle:

Instant access to the exclusive Members-Only Site, including our LIVE weekly Webinar trainings with SFM's top digital marketing experts.

Our 7-Day Video Training Series introduces you to the Digital Lifestyle and explains how to build a profitable online business (plus some surprise bonuses)... Delivered directly to your Inbox over the next week.

Your very own dedicated SFM Business Consultant, on hand to support you every step of the way.


Register Now To Get Instant Access

Signup Here
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